About Us
Insufficient Funds and Broken Promises
we have an obligation to
meet the minimum
War Memorial Statue
Canada Soldiers Uniform
Canada Tank

On the heels of the 80th anniversary
of D-Day
, Canadians spent time remembering
and celebrating the "Greatest Generation."

  • During WWII, Canada played an integral role in
    sustaining the war effort and liberating Europe.
  • By the end of the war, Canada had the third largest
    navy in the world
  • Our veterans' sacrifices are still celebrated (rightly so)
    in international circles today.

Unfortunately, today's generation of Canadians only
knows of chronic underfunding and a reliance on our
neighbors to the south
to keep our border safe.

  • While other countries have sustained their armed
    forces and worked hard to maintain world
    peace, Canada has chosen politics and public
    over investment. Oh Canada, indeed.

As a founding member of NATO, we have an
obligation to meet the minimum standards of
maintaining a military spend equivalent to 2% of GDP.

  • Canada's military spend in 2024 will be 1.36%
    of GDP, with no clear path to reach 2%.
  • 23 of the 32 NATO countries will hit the 2%
    target in 2024.
  • Canada, the 9th largest economy in the world,
    is ranked 27th in defense spending amongst our
    NATO allies.

A hallmark of the Canadian business environment has
been safety, regulation and clear government oversight.

  • As international trade opened (facilitated by strong
    U.S. and NATO powers), Canada's industry thrived.
  • But with so many issues abroad, shipping routes
    and trade relations are at risk.

It's time for Canada to stand on our own
two feet and re-establish ourselves
on the world stage as a country that
maintains democracy and the
stability of international trade.

We cannot continue
down this path of complacency
with our military spending
and lack of commitment
to innovation.

Karam Lal
Karam Lal Signature

Karam Lal

Branch Manager

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